Dados da Imagem

S:"O cortejo da paz", in Ilustração Portuguesa, 24th November 1919, nº718, p.411, Hemeroteca Municipal de Lisboa.

quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2011



Torre B – Piso 1 – Auditório 1



Dia 10 de Novembro de 2011

Sessão de Abertura

Conferência inaugural
Sylvain Schirmann, Université de Strasbourg, Institut d’Etudes Politiques
“Organisations Internationales, Coopération Économique et Financière dans l’entre-deux-guerres”

José Magone, Berlin School of Economics and Law
“Constructing a Regional Democratic Community in Europe: An Assessment of the Impact of European Organisations on Multilevel Governance after 1945”


Sessão de trabalho 1 = Construção Europeia e Processo de Decisão
Moderadora: Yvette Santos

 Maria Manuela Tavares Ribeiro, CEIS20, Universidade de Coimbra
"Internacionalização e Politização do Campo Intelectual na Europa entre as Duas Guerras"

 António Simões do Paço, Instituto de História Contemporânea, FCSH-UNL
“Callaghan e Soares: Os Trabalhistas Ingleses e o Pedido de Adesão de Portugal às Comunidades Europeias”

Davor Jančić, Utrecht University
“The European Union in the Portuguese Assembly: The Primary and Secondary EU Decision Making Scrutinised”

Patrícia Calca, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa
“Legislative Behavior in Portugal – How the European Union is Influencing this Path?”

Isabel Valente, CEIS20, Universidade de Coimbra
“OCDE: A Acção do Diplomata Calvet de Magalhães”

Pausa almoço

Sessão de trabalho 2 = Confronto e Apaziguamento
Moderador: Pedro Aires de Oliveira

Maria do Céu Pinto, Universidade do Minho
"A Experiência de Portugal no Conselho de Segurança"

Mónica Ferro, Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas da Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
“Is there a Portuguese UN Policy?”

Nelise Dias Vieira, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
“Portugal na Corte Internacional de Justiça: Dos Casos Contenciosos ao Reconhecimento da Jurisdição Compulsória”

Aurora Almada e Santos, Instituto de História Contemporânea, FCSH-UNL
“As Nações Unidas e o Desafio ao Colonialismo Português”

José Pedro Monteiro e Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa
“Os Vigilantes do Império: As Organizações Internacionais e a Questão do Trabalho Nativo no Império Colonial Português (1924-1975)”


Workshop sobre história institucional com Sylvain Shirmann e Ana Cristina Nogueira da Silva, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Dia 11 de Novembro de 2011

Sessão de trabalho 3 = Geopolítica e Segurança no Pós-II Guerra Mundial
Moderadora: Alice Cunha

Lívia Franco, Instituto de Estudos Políticos da Universidade Católica Portuguesa
“Portugal, a Segurança Europeia e o Novos Desafios Estratégicos”

Steven Robinson, School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, Newcastle University
“Portuguese Security Policy: Europeanisation or Internationalisation?”

Daniel Marcos, FCSH-UNL e IPRI-UNL
Portugal and the Evolution of NATO in the Early 1950’s: the Lisbon Summit of 1952”

Daniella Nicole Mak, Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa
“Cold War Diplomacy: The United States and Portuguese Participation in NATO, 1949-1963”

Rui Lopes, London School of Economics and Political Science e Instituto de História Contemporânea, FCSH-UNL
“Confronting Portugal within NATO, 1970-1974”


Sessão de trabalho 4 = Ciência, Clima e Economia
Moderadora: Aurora Almada e Santos

Maria Fernanda Rollo, Instituto de História Contemporânea, FCSH-UNL
“Diplomacia Económica. Portugal e as Organizações Internacionais no pós-Guerra”

Tiago Brandão, Instituto de História Contemporânea, FCSH-UNL
“Portugal e o Programa de Ciência da OTAN”

Pedro Miguel Cardoso, Universidade de Lisboa
“Portugal e as Negociações Internacionais sobre o Clima”

Ana Margarida Ferreira, Centro de Administração e Políticas Públicas, Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
"Armadilhas do Endividamento. A Situação de Portugal na Actual Conjuntura"

Lucia Coppolaro, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa
“Portugal and GATT (1947-1967)”

Pausa almoço

Sessão de trabalho 5 = Entre o Discurso, a Acção e a Imagem
Moderador: José Magone

António de Castro Raimundo, London School of Economics and Political Science
“Resisting Europeanisation? Portugal’s Post-Colonial Relations in Sub-Saharan Africa”

Maria Fernanda Fernandes, CEDIS, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
“Portugal e a União Europeia: A Mensagem nos Discursos da Presidência Portuguesa de 2007”

 Elizabeth Pelisson, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra
“A Agenda de Protecção dos Direitos Humanos como Política de Segurança Descentralizada no Século XXI - Uma Análise Político-Jurídica a partir da Participação do Estado Português nas Organizações Internacionais”

Ana Isabel Martins, CEIS20, Universidade de Coimbra
“Portugal e a União Europeia: Mudanças e Desafios no Corpo de Imprensa de Bruxelas“

Célia Belim, Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
“Portugal e as Organizações Internacionais – Que Imagem desta Des(ligação) na Imprensa Portuguesa do Século XXI?”

Sessão de encerramento
José Medeiros Ferreira, Instituto de História Contemporânea-FCSH-UNL e Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias.

quarta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2011

Authors' CV and Abstracts

Ana Isabel Martins, CEIS20, Universidade de Coimbra
“Portugal e a União Europeia: Mudanças e Desafios no Corpo de Imprensa de Bruxelas”

Ana Margarida Raposo Ferreira, Centro de Administração e Políticas Públicas, Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
"Armadilhas do Endividamento. A Situação de Portugal na Actual Conjuntura"

António de Castro Raimundo, London School of Economics and Political Science
“Resisting Europeanisation? Portugal’s Post-Colonial Relations in Sub-Saharan Africa”

António Simões do Paço, Instituto de História Contemporânea, FCSH-UNL
“Callaghan e Soares: Os Trabalhistas Ingleses e o Pedido de Adesão de Portugal às Comunidades Europeias”

CV and Abstract

Aurora Almada e Santos, Instituto de História Contemporânea, FCSH-UNL
“As Nações Unidas e o Desafio ao Colonialismo Português”

Célia Belim, Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa
“Portugal e as Organizações Internacionais – Que Imagem desta Des(ligação) na Imprensa Portuguesa do Século XXI?”

CV and Abstract

Daniel Marcos, FCSH-UNL, IPRI-UNL
“Portugal and the Evolution of NATO in the Early 1950’s: the Lisbon Summit of 1952

CV and Abstract

Daniella Nicole Mak, ISCTE-IUL, Fullbright Portugal
“Cold War Diplomacy : The United States and Portuguese Participation in NATO, 1949-1963”

Davor Jančić, Utrecht University
“The European Union in the Portuguese Assembly: The Primary and Secondary EU Decision Making Scrutinised”

CV and Abstract

Elizabeth Pelisson, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Coimbra
“A Agenda de Protecção dos Direitos Humanos como Política de Segurança Descentralizada no Século XXI - Uma Análise Político-Jurídica a partir da Participação do Estado Português nas Organizações Internacionais”

CV and Abstract

Isabel Maria Freitas Valente, CEIS20, Universidade de Coimbra
"OCDE: a acção do diplomata Calvet de Magalhães"

CV and Abstract

José Maria Magone, Berlin School of Economics and Law
“Constructing a Regional Democratic Community in Europe: An Assessment of the Impact of European Organisations on Multilevel Governance after 1945”

CV and Abstract

José Pedro Monteiro e Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa
“Os Vigilantes do Império: As Organizações Internacionais e a Questão do Trabalho Nativo no Império Colonial Português (1924-1975)”

CV and Abstract

Lívia Franco, Instituto de Estudos Políticos da Universidade Católica Portuguesa
“Portugal, a Segurança Europeia e o Novos Desafios Estratégicos”

CV and Abstract

Lucia Coppolaro, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa
“Portugal and GATT (1947-1967)”

CV and Abstract

Maria do Céu Pinto, Universidade do Minho
"A Experiência de Portugal no Conselho de Segurança"

CV and Abstract

Maria Fernanda Fernandes, CEDIS, Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
“Portugal e a União Europeia: A Mensagem nos Discursos da Presidência Portuguesa de 2007”

CV and Abstract

Maria Fernanda Rollo, Instituto de História Contemporânea, FCSH-UNL
“Diplomacia económica. Portugal e as organizações internacionais no pós-Guerra”

CV and Abstract

Maria Manuela Tavares Ribeiro, CEIS20, Universidade de Coimbra
" Internacionalização e politização do campo intelectual na Europa entre as duas Guerras"

CV and Abstract

Mónica Ferro, ISCSP/UTL
“Is there a Portuguese UN Policy?”

CV and Abstract

Nelise Dias Vieira, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
“Portugal na Corte Internacional de Justiça: dos casos contenciosos ao reconhecimento da jurisdição compulsória”

Patrícia Calca, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa
“Legislative Behavior in Portugal – How the European Union is Influencing this Path?

CV and Abstract

Pedro Miguel Cardoso, Universidade de Lisboa
“Portugal e as negociações internacionais sobre o Clima”

CV and Abstract

Rui Lopes, London School of Economics and Political Science
“Confronting Portugal within NATO, 1970-1974”

CV and Abstract

Steven Robinson, School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, Newcastle University
“Portuguese Security Policy: Europeanisation or Internationalisation?”

CV and Abstract

Sylvain Schirmann, Université de Strasbourg, Institut d'Etudes Politiques
Organisations internationales, coopération économique et financière dans l’entre-deux-guerres

CV and Abstract

Tiago Brandão, Instituto de História Contemporânea, FCSH-UNL
“Portugal e o Programa de Ciência da OTAN”

CV and Abstract

quinta-feira, 21 de abril de 2011

We have the honour to announce that Prof. José M. Magone, from Berlin School of Economics and Law, will participate at the conference

Curriculum Vitae

·         Berlin School of Economics and Law
·         Department of Business and Economics
·         Professorship for Global and Regional Governance

Academic and Professional Career
·         1988: Awarded M. Phil. in Political Science and History, University of Vienna (Austria)
·         1992: Doctorate (D. Phil.) in Political Science, University of Vienna (Austria)
·         1990-91:Visiting Research Fellow am Centre for Mediterranean Studies, University of Bristol (United Kingdom)
·         1992-93: Lecturer in Sociology and Political Science at Instituto Piaget (Lisbon)
·         1993-2001: Lecturer in European Politics, University of Hull (United Kingdom)
·         1993-94: Higher Education Teaching Certificate (HETC), University of Hull (awarded on 28 July, 1994)
·         2001-2007: Senior Lecturer in European Politics, University of Hull (United Kingdom)
·         2007-2008: Reader in European Politics , University of Hull(United Kingdom)
·         Since 02/2008: Professor of Global and Regional Governance at the FHW Berlin - now the Berlin School of Economics and Law (BSEL)

Visiting Fellowships and Professorships
·         1997: Visiting Researcher at Centre for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, Juan March Institute in Madrid (Spain)
·         1999: Karl W. Deutsch Visiting Professor at Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin
·         2001: University of Granada (Spain), 2002: CirCap, University of Siena (Italien)
·         2007: University Salamanca (Spain)

Key Aspects of practice
·         Global and regional governance
·         Comparative European politics
·         European integration
·         Politics of Southern Europe

International contacts (e. g.)
·         Member of the Political Studies Association (Great Britain)
·         Member of the Spanish Association for Political Science and Administration (AECPA)
·         Researcher within the research network concerning sub-national democracy in Europe
·         Contributor to the European Data Yearbook of the European Journal of Political Research since 1993

·         1990: Robert Schumann Stipend of the European Parliament ? time spent in Luxemburg

External relations
·         Several European universities, in particular in Spain (incl. Autonomous University of Barcelona ? UAB, University of Barcelona, Juan March Institute, University of Grenada), Great Britain (in particular University of Cardiff), the Netherlands (Rotterdam Erasmus University), Italy (University of Siena) and Germany (University of Jena)

Expert for
·         Global and regional governance
·         Politics of Southern Europe
·         European Regional Policy
·         Comparative European Politics

Key Aspects in Teaching
·         Social structure and political economy of modern societies
·         Regional studies - comparing regions, states and markets
·         Business, Company and Work - historical and sociological perspectives
·         Strategic Management ? sociological perspectives

Research Projects and Fields
·         Portugal expert within the research project ?Handbook of sub-national democracy in the European Union? ? coordinated by Sean Loughlin (University of Cardiff), Frank Hendriks (University of Tilburg) and Professor Anders Lindstrom (Umeå University, Sweden) 2008-2009
·         Southern Europe expert within the project ?Career Patterns of Ministerial Elites in Europe? ? coordinated by Michael Erdinger and Prof. Heinrich Best (University of Jena) 2008-2010

Selected, current Publications
·         Contemporary European Politics. A Comparative Introduction (London: Routledge 2011) [COMPANION WEBSITE:; GOOGLE BOOKS PREVIEW:]
·         Portugal: Local Democracy in a Small Centralized Republic. In: John Loughlin, Frank Hendriks and Anders Lidström (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Local and Regional Democracy in Europe. (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2011), pp. 384-409.
·         The Role of the EEC in the Spanish, Portuguese and Greek Transitions. In: Gregorio Alonso, Diego Muro (eds.), The Politics and Memory of Democratic Transition. The Spanish Model. London: Routledge 2010), pp. 216-235.
·         Portugal. In: Juliet Lodge (ed.), The 2009 Elections to the European Parliament. (Basingstroke: Palgrave 2010), pp. 224-234.
·         Contemporary Spanish Politics. Second extended edition (London: Routledge 2009) [GOOGLE BOOKS PREVIEW:]
·         Europe and Global Governance. In: Chris Rumford (ed.), Handbook of European Studies. (London SAGE 2009), pp. 277-295.
·         Leaderless Enlargement? The Difficult Reform of the New Pan-European Political System. In: Jack Hayward (ed.), Leaderless Europe? (Oxford: Oxford University Press 2008), pp. 188?207.
·         The Southern European Pattern of Parliamentary Scrutiny of EU legislation: Emulating the French Model. Holzhacker,Ronald and Erik Albaek (eds.), Democratic Governance and European Integration. Linking Societal and State Processes of Democracy. (Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar 2007), pp. 229?248
·         South European national parliaments and the European Union. An inconsistent reactive revival. In: John O?Brennan and Tapio Raunio (eds.), National Parliaments within the Enlarged European Union. From ?victims? of integration to competitive actors? (London: Routledge 2007), pp. 116?131.
·         The New World Architecture. The Role of the European Union in the Making of Global Governance. (New Brunswick, N.J.: Transaction 2006) (single-authored), 335 p., ISBN 0-7658-0279-1 [GOOGLE BOOKS PREVIEW:]

segunda-feira, 28 de março de 2011

Call for Papers (ENG)

Portugal and International Organizations Conference
Lisbon, 10th and 11th November 2011

Call For Papers

Deadline 30th April 2011

Scientific Board:
José Medeiros Ferreira, CHI/FSHS/New University of Lisbon
Maria Manuela Tavares Ribeiro, CEIS20/Coimbra University
Maria Fernanda Rollo, CHI/FSHS/New University of Lisbon
Pedro Aires de Oliveira, CHI/FSHS/New University of Lisbon

International organizations are a recent feature in the international system. By the time they were created, the bilateral relationship between states was enlarged with the emergence of multilateralism in the world stage. Such emergence shaped a new relationship between states, generating mechanisms designed to promote the peaceful resolution of conflicts and international cooperation. Having regional or universal scope, international organizations introduced an aggregate dimension in international relations, as a result of the knowledge that the world was a small place, that problems were wide-spread and that solutions should be attained through common efforts.

Portugal was not immune to these mutations in the international system. For contemporary Portugal the dilemma whether or not to participate in the international organizations was acute. As a founding member of organizations such as the League of Nations and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Portugal’s integration in the international system was highlighted by the role it aimed to fulfill in the world. Nowadays, Portugal is a member of 82 international organizations some of them with broad scopes such as the United Nations Organization and the European Union, as well as others less well-known, such as the International Bureau of Weights and Measures, the International Organization of Tropical Wood and the Postal Union of America, Spain and Portugal.

The significance of Portuguese participation in international organizations raises some questions. For instance, we need to discuss the political, economical and social basis that explain why Portugal decided to participate in some organizations and refused to integrate others. On the other hand, the research cannot neglect the other side, that is to say, how different organizations conceived Portuguese participation in their core. At the same level, it is necessary to study the internal transformations, if they occured, and the resistances generated by Portuguese integration in some international organizations. The evidence also suggests that the scientific approach to the subject must examine how the ruptures in Portugal demanded an effort of readjustment to different organizations. Finally, it seems fair to say that it is almost compulsory to explore the challenges that, nowadays, in the post-9/11 world, participation in international organizations poses to Portugal.

Having in mind these questions, we intend to approach the distinct dimensions of the Portuguese integration in international organizations through an interdisciplinary conference, open to researches form the social, political and economical sciences, that will take place in Lisbon, at the Contemporary History Institute of the New University of Lisbon, between 17th and 18th November, 2011.

We request abstracts with maximum 200 words, a brief CV and the form attached no later than April 30th, 2011. The final notification of selection will be communicated by May 15th, 2011. The abstracts should be sent to

Maria Fernanda Rollo (CHI-FSHS-New University of Lisbon)
Alice Cunha (CHI-FSHS-New University of Lisbon)
Aurora Almada (CHI-FSHS-New University of Lisbon)
Yvette Santos (CHI-FSHS-New University of Lisbon)